International Secondary School Niederwürschnitz

Home / Dates

Dates & Data

For all other class dates, our parents please use the calendar on Lernsax.

floating vacations SY 2023/24: 21+ 22.12.2023

day off (before Reformation Day): 30.10.2023

pedagogical days:      

20.12.2023 and 03.01.2024 (no lessons for students)

Christmas concert (auditorium):

06.12.2023, 16:oo o'clock

Open House:         

19.01.2024, 15:00 to 18:00

Final exams:

15.01.2024 VP EN 24.04.2024 EN

17.01.2024 VP DEU 26.04.2024 DEU

12.01.2024 VP MA 30.04.2024 MA

22/23/01/2014 VP Nawi 02/03/2024 Nawi

31.01./01.02. VP EN II 14./15.5. o. 15./16.5. EN II

last school day Kl.10a/b + completion of annual grades: 19.04.2024

Announcement grades: 22.04.2024

Consultations: 06-23.05.2024

Oral exams: 24.05.-12.06.2024

Ceremonial presentation of certificates: 15.06.2024


11.01.2024 English

05/17/2024 Spanish

Competency tests (cl.8):

27.02.2024 German

28.02.2024 English

29.02.2024 Mathematics

Reading competition SIS (Kl.5)


Big Challenge




Computer Science Competition



Class 5 13-15.05.2024

Class 6 24-26.04.2024

Class 7 27-30.11.2023 (Potential analysis)

Class 7 11.-15.12.2023

Class 8 11-15.10.2023

Class 9 26.02.-08.03.2024

Parent Consultation Hours (by appointment only):

10/18/2023 and 3/20/2024 (both 6pm).

Language diversity

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