Whether it's commitment to the support association, financial donations, donations in kind for school equipment, "manpower" for school events, facilitating internships, company tours/information events or the delicious baked goods for the cake bazaar .... our thanks go to all those who support our special educational concept and help shape our everyday school life time and again with their help.
In the areas of early childhood, holistic, adult or continuing education, we work closely with our partner companies Studiencolleg-Bildungsgesellschaft mbH Glauchau, GGB Gesellschaft zur ganzheitlichen Bildung gGmbH Sachsen and IWS Integrationswerk gGmbH Westsachsen.
We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to all individuals, companies and institutions.
The list of our cooperation partners in the area of student internships is updated continuously. For more information, please contact our school administrator at the ION/IGN.
Phone: +49 (0) 37296 931976
Fax: +49 (0)37296 931977
International Secondary School
Schulweg 2
09399 Niederwürschnitz