Internationale Oberschule Niederwürschnitz

Aktuelles aus
dem Schulalltag

Englisch Camp 2023

While at the English camp, the children accomplished and enjoyed so many activities! We began with an English lesson and learned a few songs together!

This was followed by creating posters and getting to know each other better. The children had a blast running through the woods, exploring and building fantastic miniature houses and a very sturdy bridge! Day two was the best day for everyone, as we went hiking to Phänomenia and experimented with many different exhibits to learn more about science. Afterwards was more hiking, play time, and the highlight: A dance party!! On our last day we made birthday poetry and designed posters for the class calendar. Seeing the progress all the students made was incredible and it was a great success.

Frau Hartzell – Fachlehrerin Englisch / Musik


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